Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Nail Trim
I can't count how many times people told me to be careful when trimming Dane's fingernails. I'm thinking I heard it so much because everyone does it at least once? On Sunday, Brad said, "His finger nails are getting long." (I'm not blaming you honey, it was def my fault :) So I decided to get clippers out and cut them down. I had done it a few times in the past with no problems. Anyways, I cut his thumb to the point of bleeding. He screamed, I felt so bad. Then on top of that, it was the thumb he sucks. I put a band aid on it, but it came off after I saw him sucking on it; I was afraid he was going to choke on it. Of course bedtime was harder than usual because that's when he sucks it the most. THEREFORE, if you see my son with witch long nails, you know why. I won't be cutting them anytime soon. Gram told me to bite them off, I think I'll try that method next time. Sorry baby.
Monday, March 23, 2009
First visit to the ER
On Saturday, I decided to give Dane formula. On days when his grandma comes to babysit, I like to have breast milk available for her to feed. The problem is.... when I pump breast milk, I feel like my supply won't have enough for his next feeding (maybe it's because he eats so often). Honestly, I would like to be able to give him formula once in awhile and not have to pump when I plan to leave. Back to the story, on Saturday morning, I gave Dane formula and a few hours later, he was violently vomiting and dry heaving for about an hour. Also during the episode, he was OMG passing out or AKA going to sleep. I thought for sure I had poisoned him. Talk about feeling guilty, whoa. We rushed him to the ER fearing that he might die from something. I would say this a first time parents syndrome, but people told us that it will always be like this until Dane moves out and even then the worrying never leaves. Thankfully he seemed to get better shortly after arriving at the ER. After 4 hours of waiting, the doctor said he was fine and had a tummy ache. It just so happened that my husband had our camera in his pocket because originally we were planning on visiting family. Awww, poor little baby boy...
Speaking of formula, I've tried 5 different kinds over the last few months. He either gags, simply refuses them, or see above. I wish there was a place where mothers could take their opened formula. They're so expensive and I know there are babies starving somewhere that could use it. Something tells me there is an abundance of formula that gets thrown in the trash.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Look Ma, I have a foot.
Dane discovered his feet and examined them for 30 minutes. I'm going to miss this simple type of entertainment when he becomes a toddler. He hasn't been feeling well so seeing him happy made me feel better.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
All three of us are sick. It's going on 2 weeks. Dane seemed to be the least affected until today. Maybe it's just because he couldn't complain as much as Brad and I. This morning baby boy didn't want to get out of bed. He felt hot so I took his temp and it read around 100.5. Time to bust out the Tylenol. The only thing that Dane thinks makes him feel better is nursing. Needless to say, the last few days have worn on my nips. The gluttony has produced more spit-ups as well. But these things are minor. It gets me thinking that at any moment, our civilization could undergo the bird flu or another purple plague. Too scary to ponder about for very long.
Today's agenda - take a walk and baby my baby (and baby my big guy when he gets home as well). I hope we get over this crud soon because Spring is here, the sun is shining, and life is good. Even though my men are sick, they are still sooooooo very handsome!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Date Day
Having time alone with my husband is far and few between these days. I'm finding out motherhood is a balancing act that hopefully I'll master one day. Dane is a 24 hour project so it's hard to find time for myself let alone my husband. On Sunday, Dane's grandmother babysat while Brad and I went shopping. We had a blast... as usual.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Now that baby boy can smile, I can't get enough! In the beginning months I longed for his smile. I wanted any kind of feedback that I was doing a good job. Now I have it and I love it. He's turning out to be quite the charmer. 
Thursday, March 5, 2009
My Baby's Daddy
Dane gets so excited everyday when his Dad comes home from work. It makes me so happy to see Brad interact and love on Dane. To know someone else is obsessed with Baby Dane as much as I am brings me comfort. Also having a partner to help with baby chores brings me relief. I have a new understanding for single mothers. I don't know how they do it, let alone with multiple children. I'm so blessed to have a wonderful husband. Below is a typical day at 5:30pm.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My wonderful friends
I'm so thankful that I have a wonderful group of friends. They are actually like sisters to me because we've known each other for so long and have been through so much together. On Monday, Gwen, Tonia, Angie and her little man, Elijah came to my home for lunch. To make my life easier, we ordered a pizza. It was a fun visit.
It's surprising that even though Dane is only 3 months old, he is intrigued with Elijah. We are hoping one day they will be good buddies.
Elijah loves to hold Baby Dane.
And of course, Dane's favorite.. the bouncy chair... what will I do when he grows out of it?!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A weekend with the grandmas
My mother and my grandmother stayed with us for 3 nights this weekend. It was so nice hanging out with them. We had an awesome time talking, cooking, and playing cards. They LOVED on little Dane the whole time. Is it possible to spoil a 3 month old baby is 3 days? Yes. Yesterday, the baby was very cranky and I think it's because he missed his NaNa and Mamal. Here are some photos of our fun filled weekend.
This is Aidan, my brother's child, my mom, and of course my lovely little baby Dane. Aidan's mother lives in Dayton so he got to spend a few hours with us.
And this is Gram. She rocked Dane to sleep all three nights. I still remember her song she sang him, "Baby Oh, Oh Baby Baby..." :)

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