Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mom, will you please take off my clothes

Sometimes it's hard to figure out what an infant wants since they cannot speak. Lil Dane has been grumpy the past couple of days. After walking endless hours around the house holding him, bouncing, jumping, even taking his temperature, I take off his clothes. And bam, I've a got a happy baby. When he was born, he had a slight temperature so the doctors ran several different tests checking for infection and such. They found nothing and said he is just warm baby, like one of those people who won't wear a winter jacket. I can't wait until Spring and Summer so he can lounge in his diaper habitually and I won't feel like I'm freezing him. So this is Dane last night after the naked discovery.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!! What a beauuutiful baby:) Just watch out for those teenage years...and parents...lock your girls up!!!! :-)

