Monday, November 22, 2010
If someone would have asked me 10 years ago where I want to be in 10 years... I would have said exactly where I am today. Feeling blessed.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Staying cool
Wowzer, this has been a hot summer!! We haven't let the heat and humidity stop us from enjoying the outdoors. We get outside everyday. Usually in the mornings, we go to some sort of mom's group function or hit a local playground. Then in the evenings, we take a long walk or bike ride with Daddy followed by some sprinkler time. Dane eats, sleeps and all around has a better attitude if he does something physical. He's not too much into doing crafts, coloring, painting, etc yet, but I'm sure that day will come. This morning he found a friend that wanted to play follow the leader. Everything Dane did, this boy did after him. Dane loved it. He's a natural leader and I believe he might be the President of United States one day. :D
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
He went to his first ballgame. It was to see the minor league baseball team, the Columbus Clippers. Uncle Bruce gave us tickets to sit in his suite. Dane really didn't know what was going on with the game, but he had a blast hanging out with Daddy and his grandparents. He even lasted until about 8:30pm which is late for him. This marks the beginning of many I'm sure. His dad is a sports freak. As soon as Dane is potty trained, they'll be off on their own going to football games, basketball games, etc. etc. etc.
Starting the night off with some fries = yummy to my tummy!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
What have I been up to lately? Yard work! This will be the second summer we've spent at this house. Last year I was in baby stupor, a fog created by no sleep and probably a little PPD. This year I'm seeing everything so clearly. The botanist from within me has appeared. I have spent most of my sunny afternoons outside weeding and planting. So far I've got carrots, onions, broccoli, bunches of flowers, and a cat garden with catnip and a special grass. When Dane goes down for his nap, I grab my apron and get started. It's become my therapy.
Moreover, Brad and I took out our Koi ourselves. We then proceeded to take the rocks from the pond and recycle them into a ourselves. It might not look professional, but we happen to love it. The walkway reminds me of a fairytale castle walkway.
Hopefully the creeping thyme will fill in some of the rocks over the next couple of years. I'm also going to plant clematises and morning glories by the trellis.
Moreover, Brad and I took out our Koi ourselves. We then proceeded to take the rocks from the pond and recycle them into a ourselves. It might not look professional, but we happen to love it. The walkway reminds me of a fairytale castle walkway.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Yesterday, Dane and I went to Cosi. I've always been a science guru and wanted to go explore myself. It was not crowded at all, which was very nice. Now that Dane's getting more and more active, I feel it's necessary to get out every day. Otherwise I have a frustrated little boy that resembles a tornado. My plan was last minute so we didn't get to gather any friends to take with us. It was just the two of us. He had a blast and he did NOT want to leave. I'm thinking a yearly membership will be in our future.
Body exhibit, inside the nose. It sneezed!
By a wall of zits
Don't eat that, it's a fake potato chip. Yeah, I know, I was thinking about the kazillion germs on it. Oh well, he's going to come into contact with a kazillion more.
This by far was his favorite. The mud holes, blew air out of them. He probably spent 1/2 hour at these holes.
YAY, I had so much fun, when can we come back?!
Inside the stomach.
This cool guy came to life and talked about snot.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dane is absolutely obsessed with books. Reading to him when he was an immobile teeny baby has paid off! I'm so glad because I LOVE reading to him. We go to the library at least one day a week if not more. I've also picked up the habit myself. I have read approximately 10 novels in the past 4 months! I can't believe I waited this long to read. I have truly been missing out! Mostly I blame it on the fact that I spent all of my twenties going to school therefore I was forced to read very boring textbooks. I always felt like reading was a task. Now I find it quite pleasurable. Every night after Dane goes to bed, I get my book and curl up on the couch. I'm on the third novel of the Twilight series. Do you think I care that it says "teen" on the binding?! Back to Dane.... his room has two baskets of books which he gravitates to whenever he is upstairs. I really need to get some sort of bookcase/ organizer for his room.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
After Christmas Party at Gram's
A few days after Christmas, Dane and I packed our bags and headed to Bellaire, Ohio. I always love spending time with my Gram. She's so very very loving and full of goodness. She's always been an inspiration to me. When it comes to marriage, she was my example. She and my late grandfather had a love like no other. My nephew Aidan spent one night with us. We had so much fun!
We visited Aunt Patty too! She got a kick out of Dane walking.
Her cat was a watch guard. He made sure Patty didn't give Dane too many kisses.
Christmas Evening at GaGa's
Ok, almost done with the Christmas posts... We went to Brad's parents on Christmas night for dinner. We had a great time and received lots of presents. It was important for Brad to spend the holidays with his family this year. Next year will be my choice. :)
LOVE this photo of Dane and uncle Brian.
I need to figure out how to use the "No red eye" feature on my camera.
Dane getting one of his many gifts from GaGa.
Christmas Morning
We got Dane one gift. ONE. We figured he'd get so much from everyone else that it would be overwhelming. Besides we're on a budget, plus in future years, I'm sure he'll be asking Santa to bring him some expensive electronic item. We were right, he got plenty of gifts from his relatives. He was a happy boy. Here is Dane on Christmas morning enjoying his ONE gift from Mommy and DaDa.

Need I say more? :)
Christmas Eve at Jenny's
On Christmas Eve, we went to Jenny's house, Brad's sister. We had a wonderful time. Dane loved spending time with his cousins. There was plenty of great food, wine, and happy times. Thanks Jenny!
I think Colin is showing Brad something interesting.
Dane loves his garden!
GaGa really wanted this photo, I think I'm going to frame it for her. (Even though she and William are the only ones looking at my camera. :)
Colin helping Dane, so sweet.
Bobby, being Bobby.
It appears that Dane is touching the chandelier, but he's actually going for the mistletoe.
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