I wanted to jot this down so I don’t forget how much this simple pleasure means to me right now. Before I had a baby, I showered because it was just another one of those daily tasks that had to be accomplished. Over the past 10 months, 3 weeks, the shower has been so very important to me. I savor the silence. I savor the warm water hitting my face. I savor the steam surrounding me. I savor the overall relaxation I get from it. I can remember when Dane was only a few months old and would cry constantly. The shower was my only escape. And even though Dane rarely cries anymore, I still find solitude in the shower. A few deep breaths in the shower and I feel alive. I never knew something so simple would mean so much to me; the things you learn when you’re a mom.
He used to cry so much, I thought... I must be doing something wrong. I think other people even might have thought... she is doing something wrong.
Now I know I didn't do anything wrong....