Monday, May 18, 2009

Nap time

This morning Baby Boy fell asleep on the floor. This is a first for him. He took the blankets, built a nest and then slipped into a deep sleep. Why is this such a big deal, you ask? Because my baby fights sleep. Always has. (Believe me, I've tried everything!) Some days he doesn't even take a nap or it's only for a half hour or so. I think I read that babies his age sleep 12 hours at night and a total of 3 hours during the day. He's got the nighttime sleep down pat, just not the naps. So now you can see why this is big deal for me. He's a much more pleasant baby after a good nap. :)

1 comment:

  1. You need to bring him over here for a couple of hours and he'll be napping for 3 or more hours! Ever since William has been outside playing with the kids so much this spring his naps have been awesome!
    (FYI- Emma was just like Dane with naps, it drove me crazy! Right when I thought I could get something done she would wake up!)
